I love art, learning, nature and a challenge. In my spare time when I'm not drawing or pursuing art, I love to sing, read, play the piano and ride my bike.

Brittany on the beach

Throughout my life, I have loved learning and achieving. Now looking back, my schooling seems to have been a battle between science/math and art. I love both but have gone back and forth, unsure which to pursue. Early on in High School, I had many art electives: woodwork, graphics and art. Later in senior, I swapped most of them for extra science and maths.

After graduating High School, I was still unsure of what I wanted to do as a career. I started a Bachelor of Science and at the end of the year found myself more interested in the art electives. So I started working at an art shop and enrolled in an architecture degree, hoping to get a balance of both worlds. Later on, I began volunteering at an art school as an assistant teacher. Along the way, I discovered that architecture wasn’t for me and that I loved teaching children.

..and here I am now; loving teaching and interacting with children and youth, as well as learning about personality, psychology and counselling. I've finally found what I want to do as a career - psychology!

Art will always have a place in my heart and my life. I'm still not sure where it will take me, but by all means – if you have any suggestions – let me know!

Brittany :)

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